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New Child Outreach Coordinator and Screener Traini     

Target Audience:
CO Coordinators and CO Screeners new to Child Outreach


This training will introduce new Child Outreach Coordinators and Screeners to the policies and procedures relative to Rhode Island's Child Outreach Screening System. It includes a brief overview of federal and state regulations, the purpose of screening, components of RI's Child Outreach system, the benefits of early identification and intervention, best practices in communicating with families and building rapport with children, guidance on screening dual language learners, as well as an introduction to instrument design and the screening tools. The Zoom link will be emailed to participants prior to the training. 

 *This training is not intended to replace training provided in district to ensure that screeners are able to implement specific screening instruments with fidelity. 

Further Information:

Zoom link provided prior to the training

Holly Ayotte ph: 401-222-8342 email:

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Workshop Registration © 2011 Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education