Workshop Registration System

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Accountability Preview     

Target Audience:
Superintendents and Principals


Please join us to get a preview of your school and district accountability ratings before they are published to our school report card website.  We will give an overview of the accountability system at both the school and district levels, and provide you with a preview of your data privately via the RIDE Portal.  As you preview your data, you will have the opportunity to ask questions of the Data Team at RIDE. 


These accountability preview sessions are open to Superintendents and Principals.  Capacity is limited to 50 people per session as these will be held in one of the URI classrooms, so please only register for one of the three sessions.


Parking passes for the Rhode Island Convention Center will be provided to registrants.

Further Information:

RIDE - Shepard Building - Room 228

Scott Gausland ph: 401-222-8967 email:

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Workshop Registration © 2011 Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education