Workshop Registration System

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Assistive Technology for Classroom Teachers     

Target Audience:
Special Education Teachers

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

1. Perform an initial feature matching survey of AT needs and/or supports for students

2. Demonstrate understanding of the polices, processes, resources and practices to support appropriate use of AT and

3. Create a blended learning environment  so that students can access the general education curriculum (CCSS) in both virtual and concrete ways.

·       This class will be delivered as four required hands-on lab-based meetings and two online classes.  ALL assigned homework must be completed so that all lab classes are useful and individualized.  

Further Information:

161 Comstock Parkway, Cranston, RI 02921

Kelly Charlebois ph: (401) 463 - 0202 email:

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Workshop Registration © 2011 Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education