RIDE Information Services
  Back to DAC Enrollment Census Grade Configuration

Acquisition ID : 322 Acquisition Code: 24-25GradeConfig
Title: Enrollment Census Grade Configuration
Start Date: 8/5/2024 Due: 8/5/2024
Date Completed:
Purpose/Justification: Level:
Source: LEA (Local Education Agency)
Owner Office: Data & Technology Services
Owner Name: Scott Gausland Phone: (401) 222-8967
Owner eMail : scott.gausland@ride.ri.gov
Steward Office: Data & Technology Services
Steward Name: Mario Goncalves Phone: (401) 222-8968
Steward eMail : mario.goncalves@ride.ri.gov
Manager/Analyst Office: Data & Technology Services
Manager/Analyst Name: Mario Goncalves Phone: (401) 222-8968
Manager/Analyst Email: mario.goncalves@ride.ri.gov
Application Name : System:
Description: Review/update grade configurations within the Enrollment Census, sign off electronically, and have the Superintendent review and sign off on the hard copy. Please fax or email the signed report to RIDE. The digital sign off needs to be done before any data is submitted for the school year.
User Guide:
File Specification Document:
Other Link: Not Available

  Information last updated on 06/26/2024 by Sherri LBriggs. 
For help, contact: RIDEmap Help Desk.   Public URL: http://www.eride.ri.gov/