RIDE Information Services
  Back to DAC Grade Earned by student in a class for each term

Acquisition ID : 243 Acquisition Code: GRADE_EARNED
Title: Grade Earned by student in a class for each term
Start Date: 9/1/2012 Due: 7/1/2013
Date Completed:
Purpose/Justification: Used by the Early Warning System. Level: Students
Source: LEA (Local Education Agency)
Owner Office:
Owner Name: Phone:
Owner eMail :
Steward Office:
Steward Name: Phone:
Steward eMail :
Manager/Analyst Office: Data & Technology Services
Manager/Analyst Name: Mario Goncalves Phone: (401) 222-8968
Manager/Analyst Email: mario.goncalves@ride.ri.gov
Application Name : System:
Description: The Grade Earned data submission is a mandatory collection for districts using the RIDE Early Warning System. It is an optional collection for other districts.
User Guide:
File Specification Document:
Other Link: Available

  Information last updated on 07/15/2014 by Lee Rabbitt. 
For help, contact: RIDEmap Help Desk.   Public URL: http://www.eride.ri.gov/