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  Back to DAC Title I Part A Participation

Acquisition ID : 192 Acquisition Code: X134
Title: Title I Part A Participation
Start Date: Due: 2/7/2024
Date Completed: 1/25/2024
Purpose/Justification: Federal Reporting OMB-1875-0240 Level: Districts, State
Source: Enrollment Census Excel Template
Owner Office: School & District Improvement
Owner Name: Kristen Danusis Phone: (401) 222-8255
Owner eMail : kristen.danusis@ride.ri.gov
Steward Office: Instruction, Assessment & Curriculum
Steward Name: Sherry McParlin Phone: (401) 222-8490
Steward eMail : sherry.germain@ride.ri.gov
Manager/Analyst Office: Data & Technology Services
Manager/Analyst Name: Ken Gu Phone: (401) 222-8957
Manager/Analyst Email: kenneth.gu@ride.ri.gov
Application Name : csv4EDEN System: local
Description: Revised! The unduplicated number of students participating in and served by programs under Title I, Part A of ESEA as amended, including privately enrolled students (separately collected and provided for reporting by Title I office). TitleI, Title1
User Guide:
File Specification Document: http://www.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/file-specifications.html
Other Link: Available
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This reporting item requires the following collections:
Enrollment Census
Title I

  Information last updated on 04/22/2024 by Dr. Ken Gu - SEA. 
For help, contact: RIDEmap Help Desk.   Public URL: http://www.eride.ri.gov/