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11/13/2009 |
[RIDE] - 09-10 Fall Report Reminder |
Deanna Raphael-State |
Thank you to all of the districts that submitted their Submission and Snapshot reports. We are still waiting on quite a few districts to send these reports in; please do so as soon as possible.
This is a reminder that the following three reports are due on Monday, November 16th, 2009:
1-At-home instructed students - this is the number of at-home instructed students; and is used for state reporting. Please visit:
https://www.eride.ri.gov/doc/athome_doc.asp for instructions.
2-June graduating class - this is the number of twelfth grades who are expected to graduate next June; and is used for state reporting. Please visit: https://www.eride.ri.gov/doc/juneGradClass_doc.asp for more information.
3-Non-certified staff - this is the annual collection of non-certified personnel by assignment categories employed by the school district expressed in full-time equivalents. This report is used for both state and federal reporting. Please visit: https://www.eride.ri.gov/doc/non-certified%20staff%20report.pdf for more information.
Also, thank you to the many districts that have reported race/ethnicity using the two part question. This is a reminder that Hispanic needs to be Y or N, and the other five fields must have at least one Y and the rest N. Information on the new way, the two part question, can be found here: http://www.ride.ri.gov/ride/Docs/Race_Ethnicity_Guidance_Letter_pmcw_1-16-09.pdf.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions; however, we are available for the weekly QA session at 9:30am on Tuesdays.