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7/13/2009  [RIDE] - An Overview of the SASID System  Deanna Raphael-State 
This is to remind you that you have signed up for this upcoming workshop: ‘An Overview of the SASID System’ - taking place on Tuesday, July 14th from 11am until 12pm. If you are attending this workshop in person, the RIDE’s 6th floor computer lab is in Room 623, which is to the left when you exit the elevator. If you are attending this workshop via WebEx, please note the following: Meeting Number: 688 205 355; Meeting Password: July2009 ------------------------------------------------------- To join the online meeting: ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to 2. Enter your name and email address 3. Enter the meeting password: July2009 4. Click "Join Now". ------------------------------------------------------- To join the teleconference only: ------------------------------------------------------- (218)486-1611, passcode: 4357 (help) Please contact if you have any questions; (401)222-8968. Thank you.