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5/31/2006  RIDE - workshop on year-end consolidated State Reporting  Dr. Ken Gu - SEA 
This is to remind you about this workshop on year-end consolidated State Reporting. When: June 12th, Monday, 9:30-12pm Location: RIDE Conference Room 501 In June, districts and schools begin to submit their year-end consolidated report on student current and next year’s enrollment, attendance, transfers, withdrawals, graduation, demographics and program status information. This consolidated State reporting system has continuously improved over the last two years with the help and advice from the local systems and data managers. We would like to maintain this trend in light of considerable staff turnover in many districts. Therefore, this workshop will be an opportunity to review the 05-06 reporting requirements, verify definitions, answer questions, and clarify procedures for the submission of data for the year-end consolidated State reporting system. Data collected through this year-end consolidated reporting will affect the State NECAP testing in the Fall, State educational aid, federal program funds, the calculation of graduation and attendance rates, the per-pupil accounting of expenditures and the school and district accountability under NCLB. Accuracy and timeliness of the data are therefore extremely critical. You can register for this workshop by logging on to eRIDE. Attached you will find instructions which will guide you through the online registration process. If you have any questions, please call Marie Gariepy at 222-8967 or Elizabeth Landry at 222-8968. For more information about the year-end consolidated State reporting, please click on or follow this link: Thank you!