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9/16/2005 |
RIDE - LEP Census 2005-06 update |
Dr. Ken Gu - SEA |
From the desk of Maria Lindia, Office of Assessment
As you know RI is implementing a new English Language proficiency test (access for ELLs) in March 2006 that replaces MAC II therefore, there is a new reporting format. We also have a placement test (W-APT) that replaces the MAC II form A (Use for appropriate placement of students into ESL services).
We also want to inform you that RIDE has re-opened the LEP Census on eRIDE for the 2005-06 school year. Here are some of the latest updates and changes:
The new English Proficiency levels have been added
New Tests (ACCESS replacing MAC II and W-APT that replaces the MAC II form A for placement)
It is critical that you do NOT delete any historical demographic and service records unless they are entered in by mistake
Census information must be kept up to date, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis i.e. by October, December, March and June. June is the time when you sign off and lock the data for the year
LEP program staff should communicate with the Central Office Data Manager at the district to ensure consistency in State reporting of students enrolled in LEP program.
The accuracy of the LEP Census is very important because many State and Federal Reports are based on the information that we receive from you. Last year (2004-05) we found that the LEP Census data did not match the End of the Year Enrollment reporting that was submitted to RIDE from your Central Office, thus there is the need for better communication. At the next week’s Workshops we will walk you through all of these issues. To register for one of the sessions you need to go online to http://www.eride.ri.gov and click on the Trainings and Workshops link on the left side. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 222-8494 or email at maria.lindia@ride.ri.gov.