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Date Message Sent Subject Sent By
3/21/2005  eRIDE - your March rosters  Dr. Ken Gu - SEA 
This message is sent to LEA data managers, super-intendents and school directors which have yet to submit the March rosters. If you have just completed the submission today (Monday March 21st), please ignore. This is yet another reminder that we still have NOT received your March rosters. The deadline to submit the March 14th enrollment was March 18th. The majority of the LEAs have successfully submitted their rosters, they are currently verifying their data. The delay of your reporting is causing delays of other districts and schools to complete the data verification process. Please submit your data no later than today. For questions related to this reporting, pleas feel free to contact us (Office of Information Services, 222-4600 x 2231). Thank you!