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10/31/2011 |
[RIDE] - Deadlines, DOH email, TCS documentation, and WebEx time change |
Deanna Raphael-State |
Good morning,
Just a quick reminder that your PLP upload is due today: All students who continued with a PLP from your EOY data and are/were enrolled as of the first day of this school year should be included in today's deadline: http://www.ride.ri.gov/Instruction/DOCS/documents/Personal_Literacy_Plan_PLP_Data_Collection_2011-2012.pdf
The Submission and Snapshot reports must be reviewed, signed, and faxed/emailed to RIDE by tomorrow, Tuesday, November 1st at 3pm.
Many of you have faxed in/emailed your signed At-home instructed, June graduating class, and Non-certified staff reports that are due on Monday, November 14th at 3pm; however, you haven't signed off online, please make sure to do so as well.
The email from DOH last week was sent to all districts regarding the submission of daily attendance in any of the following three forms: emergency attendance, manual upload, or ADT upload. Please make sure that RIDE is receiving the attendance data in any of those three forms by 1:45pm each day.
The documentation from the TCS meeting on 10/4/11 can be located under the heading “Teacher-Course-Student(TCS) Documents” on https://www.eride.ri.gov/doc/enrollCensus08.asp.
Lastly, tomorrow's WebEx at 9:30am has been rescheduled for 2:30pm.
Meeting information
Topic: Weekly eRIDE meeting
Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Time: 2:30 pm
Meeting Number: 683 839 922
Meeting Password: Info2011
Audio conference information
passcode 4357
Please let us know if you have any questions,