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Date Message Sent Subject Sent By
7/5/2011  [RIDE] - RICATS email  Deanna Raphael-State 
It came to our attention that some districts did not receive this email from Brenda so we are sending it to all users listed as data managers in eRIDE: RICATS districts, We are having some issues with the RICATS system that need to be resolved. As such, we are asking that you please refrain from uploading any file until July 18th, so that we have sufficient time to make the changes. We would like all uploads to be in between July 18 and July 22nd. If you do not work during the summer and have your file prepared, please zip your file and send it to me at I will upload it when the system becomes available and will contact you if anything is needed (I realize you may not return my questions until September). Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Brenda Trudeau Kyran Research Associates 401-849-7734