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9/29/2003  managing user accounts on eRIDE  Dr. Ken Gu - SEA 
This is a QA document on how to manage user accounts on eRIDE. If you have not used the user and access management feature before, you may start using it to manage accounts, delegate rights and responsibilities among your district's data staff for the upcoming Fall data collections on October 1st membership, 02-03 dropout records, and other reports as the reporting forms/applications are available. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 1. Can I initiate an eRIDE account? Yes, as a district MIS staff, you have the ability to initiate an eRIDE account, simply Login to eRIDE, click on User Accounts, then click on Register New Users. 2. Can I activate/deactivate an account? No, at this time, Neda ( and Ken ( are the only ones who can activate/deactivate accounts. 3. How can I manage user access rights to data applications? As a district MIS staff, you also have the ability to manage user access rights on eRIDE. Under User Accounts, find and click on the user you want to assign rights to, click on 'add' or 'drop'. 4. How can I manage the school principals' accounts? When a school principal changes, you need to replace the prior principal's profile with the current one's. Simply click on Pricipals, then click on the prior principal's name, make all necessary changes, click on Update. 5. Can I delete a user account? No, an account can only be deactivated. See above.