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Date Message Sent Subject Sent By
8/10/2010  [RIDE] - 09-10 Enrollment Census / Reports  Deanna Raphael-State 
Good morning, As promised, SY 09-10’s enrollment census is now open for corrections, and will be open until 3pm on Friday, the 13th. We will run the procedure around 11am on Friday to update the reports so you can view the most recent data that will be signed-off on. As a reminder, the following district level EOY reports must be signed/faxed or scanned/emailed (preferred) by the superintendent are: 1. ADM (Aggregate Days of Membership) - District Calculated 2. Average Daily Membership 3. ADA (Aggregate Days of Attendance) - District Calculated 4. Average Daily Attendance 5. Truancy 6. Suspensions - Total 7. EIS Report (Early Intervention Services) 8. Title I Report 9. Submission Report Please note that we have added the Submission Report to the list of reports to be signed. Please let us know if you have any questions, -Deanna 222-8400