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12/23/2009 |
[RIDE] - Cohort graduation rates, dropouts, and graduates reports |
Deanna Raphael-State |
Good morning,
The ‘Update Student Exits’ application which calculates the cohort graduation rates is now available on eRIDE. Please visit the following websites for references: https://www.eride.ri.gov/exitsupdate/instructions.asp, https://www.eride.ri.gov/exitsupdate/QA%20Cohort%20Graduation%20Rates%206-10-08.pdf, http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2006/2006804.pdf.
The deadline for the cohort graduation rates, dropout report (08-09), and graduates report (08-09) is Friday, January 15th.
Please let us know if you have any questions; helpdesk@ride.ri.gov, 222-8400.
Happy holidays,