10000000 | General Fund | | |
21000000 | Federal Revenue through State | | |
21011100 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Part B - Allocation | | |
21011200 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Pre-School - Allocation | | |
21011300 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA State Program Improvement - Allocation | | |
21012100 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Part B - Competitive | | |
21012200 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Pre-School - Competitive | | |
21012300 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA State Program Improvement - Competitive | | |
21013100 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Part B - Targeted | | |
21013101 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Part B - COZ - Targeted | | |
21013102 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Part B - Targeted - Award 2 | | |
21013103 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Part B - Targeted - Award 3 | | |
21013104 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Part B - Targeted - Award 4 | | |
21013105 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Part B - Targeted - Award 5 | | |
21013200 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Pre-School - Targeted | | |
21013201 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Pre-School - COZ - Targeted | | |
21013300 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA State Program Improvement - Targeted #1 | | |
21013301 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA State Program Improvement - Targeted #2 | | |
21013302 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA State Program Improvement - Targeted #3 | | |
21013303 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA State Program Improvement - Targeted #4 | | |
21013304 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA State Program Improvement - Targeted #5 | | |
21014100 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Part B - ARRA | | |
21014200 | P.L. 94-142, IDEA Pre-School - ARRA | | |
21021100 | Title I - Part A - Disadvantaged Youth - Allocation | | |
21021101 | Title I - Part A - Disadvantaged Youth - SES | | |
21021200 | Title I - Part B,1 - Reading First - Allocation | | |
21021300 | Title I - Part D - Neglected and Delinquent - Allocation | | |
21021400 | Title I - Part F - Comprehensive School Reform- Allocation | | |
21022100 | Title I - Part A - Disadvantaged Youth - Competitive | | |
21022200 | Title I - Part B,1 - Reading First - Competitive | | |
21022201 | Title I - Part B,1 - Reading First - Competitive -2 | | |
21022202 | Title I - Part B,1 - Reading First - Competitive -3 | | |
21022300 | Title I - Part D - Neglected and Delinquent - Competitive | | |
21022400 | Title I - Part F - Comprehensive School Reform - Competitive - Award 1 | | |
21022401 | Title I - Part F - Comprehensive School Reform - Competitive - Award 2 | | |
21022500 | Title I - Even Start - Competitive | | |
21022600 | Title I - Part G - School Improvement - Competitive | | |
21023100 | Title I - Part A - Disadvantaged Youth - Targeted Award 1 | | |
21023101 | Title I - Part A - Disadvantaged Youth - Targeted - Award 2 | | |
21023200 | Title I - Part B,1 - Reading First - Targeted | | |
21023300 | Title I - Part D - Neglected and Delinquent - Targeted | | |
21023400 | Title I - Part F - Comprehensive School Reform - Targeted | | |
21024100 | Title I - Part A - Disadvantaged Youth - ARRA | | |
21031100 | Title II - Part A - Teacher Quality - Allocation | | |
21031200 | Title II - Math and Science Partnerships - Allocation | | |
21031300 | Title II - Part D - Educational Tech - Allocation | | |
21031400 | Title II - Improve Management of Drug Prevention - Allocation | | |
21032100 | Title II - Part A - Teacher Quality - Competitive | | |
21032200 | Title II - Math and Science Partnerships - Competitive - Award 1 | | |
21032201 | Title II - Math and Science Partnerships - Competitive - Award 2 | | |
21032300 | Title II - Part D - Educational Tech - Competitive - Statewide Teacher Training | | |
21032301 | Title II - Part D - Educational Tech - Competitive - Literacy | | |
21032302 | Title II - Part D - Educational Tech - Competitive - Model Classrooms | | |
21032303 | Title II - Part D - Educational Tech - Award 3 | | |
21032400 | Title II - Improve Management of Drug Prevention - Competitive | | |
21033100 | Title II - Part A - Teacher Quality - Targeted | | |
21033200 | Title II - Math and Science Partnerships - Targeted | | |
21033300 | Title II - Part D - Educational Tech - Targeted | | |
21033400 | Title II - Improve Management of Drug Prevention - Targeted | | |
21034300 | Title II - Part D - Educational Tech - ARRA - Statewide Teacher Training | | |
21034302 | Title II - Part D - Educational Tech - ARRA - Model Classrooms | | |
21041100 | Title III - Language Acquisition - Allocation | | |
21042100 | Title III - Language Acquisition - Competitive | | |
21043100 | Title III - Language Acquisition - Targeted | | |
21043101 | Title III - Language Acquisition - Promising Practices - Award 1 | | |
21043102 | Title III - Language Acquisition - Promising Practices - Award 2 | | |
21043103 | Title III - Language Acquisition - Promising Practices - Award 3 | | |
21051100 | Title IV - (A) - Safe and Drug Free Schools - Allocation | | |
21051200 | Title IV - (B) 21st Century Community - Allocation | | |
21052100 | Title IV - (A) - Safe and Drug Free Schools - Competitive | | |
21052200 | Title IV - (B) 21st Century Community - Competitive - Award 1 | | |
21052201 | Title IV - (B) 21st Century Community - Competitive - Award 2 | | |
21052202 | Title IV - (B) 21st Century Community - Competitive - Award 3 | | |
21052203 | Title IV - (B) 21st Century Community - Competitive - Award 4 | | |
21053100 | Title IV - (A) - Safe and Drug Free Schools - Targeted | | |
21053200 | Title IV - (B) 21st Century Community - Targeted | | |
21061100 | Title V - (A) Innovative Programs - Allocation | | |
21062200 | Title V - (A) Innovative Programs - Competitive | | |
21063200 | Title V - (A) Innovative Programs - Targeted | | |
21071100 | Title VI - (A) State Assessments - Allocation | | |
21072100 | Title VI - (A) State Assessments - Competitive | | |
21073100 | Title VI - (A) State Assessments - Targeted | | |
21081100 | Adult Basic Education - Allocation | | |
21082100 | Adult Basic Education - Competitive | | |
21082101 | Adult Basic Education - Competitive - E.L. Civics | | |
21083100 | Adult Basic Education - Targeted | | |
21083101 | Adult Basic Education - Targeted - Leadership | | |
21083102 | Adult Basic Education - Targeted - E.L. Civics Leadership | | |
21091100 | Perkins Vocational Education - Allocation - Secondary - Even Year | | |
21091101 | Perkins Vocational Education - Allocation - Secondary - Odd Year | | |
21092100 | Perkins Vocational Education - Competitive | | |
21092101 | Perkins Vocational Education - Competitive - Reserves | | |
21092102 | Perkins Vocational Education - Competitive - Vocational Technology Preparation | | |
21092103 | Perkins Vocational Education - Competitive - Post Secondary | | |
21092104 | Perkins Vocational Education - Competitive - Vocational Training for Adults | | |
21093100 | Perkins Vocational Education - Targeted - Leadership | | |
21093101 | Perkins Vocational Education - Targeted - Leadership Incarcerated | | |
21093102 | Perkins Vocational Education - Targeted - Leadership Non-Traditional | | |
21093103 | Perkins Vocational Education - Targeted - Special Populations | | |
21100000 | Project Opportunity - Adult Education | | |
21110000 | CSL RI Learn and Serve America - Even Year | | |
21110001 | CSL RI Learn and Serve America - Odd Year | | |
21120000 | Living in Democracy - Maine Contract | | |
21130000 | Advanced Placement Test Fees | | |
21141100 | Homeless Children and Youth - Allocation | | |
21142100 | Homeless Children and Youth - Competitive - Award 1 | | |
21142101 | Homeless Children and Youth - Competitive - Award 2 | | |
21143100 | Homeless Children and Youth - Targeted | | |
21144100 | Homeless Children and Youth - ARRA | | |
21152000 | Dept of Health - Emergency Response Plan Testing | | |
21162100 | USDA FFVP (Fresh Foods and Vegetable Program) | | |
21172100 | RI Emergency Management Grant - Homeland Security, Preparedness | | |
21172101 | RI Emergency Management Grant #2 | | |
21182100 | RI Service Alliance Grant | | |
21182101 | RI Service Alliance Grant - ARRA Funds | | |
21192100 | MHRH - Substance Abuse Prevention Grant | | |
21204100 | Federal Stabalization Funds | | |
21212100 | RI Dept of Transportation - Federal Passport to Safety Grant | | |
21222000 | Dept of Labor & Training - Award 1 | | |
21222001 | Dept of Labor & Training - Award 2 | | |
21234000 | USDA Kitchen Equipment Assistance Grant - ARRA | | |
21243100 | Teacher Quality Recruitment Grant | | |
21243101 | Teacher Recruitment Grant #2 | | |
22000000 | Federal Revenue Direct from Fed Gov | | |
22011000 | Literacy Education Through the Arts | | |
22021000 | TALL Grant | | |
22031000 | Library Grant | | |
22041000 | Riter Grant | | |
22041001 | Riter Grant - Award 2 | | |
22051000 | US Department of Homeland Security - Fire Safety Grant | | |
22061000 | Project Wired | | |
22071000 | NOAA | | |
22081000 | Carol M. White Physical Education Program | | |
22091000 | Evionmental Protection Agency (EPA) | | |
22101000 | Rural Education Grant | | |
22112000 | Safe & Drug Free Schools Act - Guidance | | |
22122000 | US Department of Energy | | |
22133000 | Congressional Grant | | |
22143000 | FEMA Flood Damage Funds | | |
22151000 | Public Charter Startup Program | | |
23000000 | State Revenue | | |
23011000 | Early Childhood | | |
23021000 | Literacy Set Aside | | |
23031000 | Student Equity | | |
23041000 | Language Assistance | | |
23051000 | Professional Development | | |
23061000 | Technology | | |
23071000 | Reimbursement - Fellows | | |
23081000 | Reimbursement - Teacher Stipends | | |
23091000 | Adult Literacy Grant | | |
23092001 | Adult Literacy Grant - Competitive - Award 1 | | |
23092002 | Adult Literacy Grant - Competitive - Award 2 | | |
23102000 | E. Portfolio Grants - Targeted | | |
23112001 | General Assembly Grant - #1 | | |
23112002 | General Assembly Grant - #2 | | |
23112003 | General Assembly Grant - #3 | | |
23112004 | General Assembly Grant - #4 | | |
23112005 | General Assembly Grant - #5 | | |
23112006 | General Assembly Grant - #6 | | |
23112007 | General Assembly Grant - #7 | | |
23112008 | General Assembly Grant - #8 | | |
23112009 | General Assembly Grant - #9 | | |
23112010 | General Assembly Grant - #10 | | |
23112011 | General Assembly Grant - #11 | | |
23112012 | General Assembly Grant - #12 | | |
23112013 | General Assembly Grant - #13 | | |
23112014 | General Assembly Grant - #14 | | |
23112015 | General Assembly Grant - #15 | | |
23112016 | General Assembly Grant - #16 | | |
23112017 | General Assembly Grant - #17 | | |
23112018 | General Assembly Grant - #18 | | |
23112019 | General Assembly Grant - #19 | | |
23112020 | General Assembly Grant - #20 | | |
23112021 | General Assembly Grant - #21 | | |
23112022 | General Assembly Grant - #22 | | |
23112023 | General Assembly Grant - #23 | | |
23112024 | General Assembly Grant - #24 | | |
23112025 | General Assembly Grant - #25 | | |
23122000 | SAELP Grant - Wallace Foundation - Competitive | | |
23132000 | HRIC (Human Resources Investment Council) Grant (State Restricted) - Competitive | | |
23132001 | HRIC (Human Resources Investment Council) Grant (State General Revenue) - Competitive | | |
23142000 | RISCA #1 | | |
23153000 | Progressive Support and Intervention | | |
23153001 | Progressive Support and Intervention - Award 2 | | |
23153002 | Progressive Support and Intervention - Pre K Demonstration Project | | |
23163000 | RICAPP | | |
23171000 | Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA) Grant | | |
23173000 | NAESP Grant | | |
23183000 | RISCA #2 | | |
23183001 | RISCA #3 | | |
23183002 | RISCA #4 | | |
23183003 | RISCA #5 | | |
23183004 | RISCA #6 | | |
23183005 | RISCA #7 | | |
23183006 | RISCA #8 | | |
23183007 | RISCA #9 | | |
23183008 | RISCA #10 | | |
23183009 | RISCA #11 | | |
23183010 | RISCA #12 | | |
23193000 | Children Opportunity Zone (COZ) | | |
23203000 | Goff Community School | | |
23212000 | Adult Education | | |
23222000 | Consortium Student Info System | | |
23233000 | District Negotiated Agreements | | |
23242000 | Achieve Algebra II Test | | |
23253000 | Teacher Quality Recruitment Grant | | |
23262000 | RI Statewide Planning Grant - Safe Routes to School | | |
23273000 | Samaritans Suicide Prevention Program | | |
23281000 | General Aid (07-08 Only-Chariho) | | |
23291000 | Full Day Kindergarten (07-08 Only-Chariho) | | |
23301000 | Vocational Equity (07-08 Only-Chariho) | | |
23313000 | Reading Recovery Initiative | | |
23321000 | Charter Aid (07-08 Only for Chariho) | | |
23331000 | Targeted Aid | | |
23342000 | RI Economic Development Corporation Grant | | |
23352000 | Achieve Algebra Grant | | |
23362000 | RI Dept of Transp - Highway Safety Grant | | |
23372000 | RI Dept of Labor & Training - World of Work Grant | | |
23372001 | RI Dept of Labor & Trng - Award 1 | | |
23374002 | RI Dept of Labor & Trng - Workforce Partnership (ARRA) - Award 1 | | |
23374003 | RI Dept of Labor & Trng - Workforce Partnership (ARRA) - Award 2 | | |
23382000 | Career & Technical Education Center Repairs (RIDE) | | |
23392000 | Charter School Planning Grants | | |
23402000 | Office of Rehabilitation Services - Award 1 | | |
23402001 | Office of Rehabilitation Services - Award 2 | | |
23413001 | Technical Support Award | | |
23413002 | Dropout Prevention Grant | | |
23422000 | RI Dept of Public Safety | | |
23423000 | Extended Learning Time (RI Afer School Alliance ptnrship) | | |
23432000 | RI Dept of Environmental Management | | |
23433000 | E2T2 State Funds | | |
23443000 | KITES (Kits in Teaching Elementary Science) | | |
23453000 | RI Council on the Humanities | | |
23463000 | RI Skills Commission | | |
23473000 | RI Department of Health | | |
23483000 | RI Dept of Human Services | | |
24000000 | Local Revenue | | |
24010059 | Feinstein Foundation #5 | | |
24010060 | Feinstein Foundation #6 | | |
24012000 | Champlin Foundation #1 | | |
24012001 | Champlin Foundation #2 | | |
24012002 | Champlin Foundation #3 | | |
24012003 | Cox Communications | | |
24012004 | Feinstein Foundation | | |
24012005 | Feinstein Foundation - Holliman | | |
24012006 | Kiducation | | |
24012007 | Lowe's Charitable Foundation | | |
24012008 | Rhode Island Foundation #1 | | |
24012009 | United Way - Award #1 | | |
24012010 | Van Buren Foundation | | |
24012011 | Gates Foundation | | |
24012012 | North Family Foundation | | |
24012013 | John Clarke Trust - Media Lab at Rhodes Elementary | | |
24012014 | VSA of RI - Award #1 | | |
24012015 | Harris Foundation | | |
24012016 | NEA Foundation | | |
24012017 | RI College Foundation | | |
24012018 | Warwick Vets Education Foundation | | |
24012019 | Champlin Foundation #4 | | |
24012020 | Champlin Foundation #5 | | |
24012021 | Johnston Education Foundation | | |
24012022 | Nellie Mae Education Foundation | | |
24012023 | Provport Eleemosyn Foundation | | |
24012024 | Feinstein Foundation #3 | | |
24012025 | Feinstein Foundation #4 | | |
24012026 | Microelectronics Foundation | | |
24012027 | Rhode Island Foundation #2 | | |
24012028 | Rhode Island Foundation #3 | | |
24012029 | Rhode Island Foundation #4 | | |
24012030 | Toshiba America Foundation | | |
24012031 | Community 2000 Education Foundation | | |
24012032 | Nellie Mae Education Foundation - Award #2 | | |
24012033 | Macy Foundation | | |
24012034 | NAMM Foundation | | |
24012035 | Amgen Foundation | | |
24012036 | RI 4-H Foundation | | |
24012037 | VSA of RI - Award #2 | | |
24012038 | VSA of RI - Award #3 | | |
24012039 | Dewing Foundation | | |
24012040 | Island Foundation | | |
24012041 | Mary Dexter Chaffee Foundation | | |
24012042 | White Family Foundation | | |
24012043 | Verizon Foundation | | |
24012044 | Education Foundation | | |
24012045 | Boston Foundation | | |
24012046 | Norman and Rosalie Fain Family Foundation. | | |
24012047 | United Way - Award #2 | | |
24012048 | Alice Sullivan Charitable Foundation | | |
24012049 | Washington Trust Charitable Foundation | | |
24012050 | Tanner Foundation | | |
24012051 | Luke Charitable Foundation | | |
24012052 | The Actuarial Foundation | | |
24012053 | The Lattner Family Foundation | | |
24012054 | The Laura Bush Foundation | | |
24012056 | JANCI Foundation Grant | | |
24012057 | Nellie Mae Education Foundation #3 | | |
24012059 | Feinstein Foundation #5 | | |
24012060 | Feinstein Foundation #6 | | |
24020001 | Anthony Agatillo Award | | |
24020003 | Clark Foundation Scholarships | | |
24020004 | DeWolf Award | | |
24020005 | Dober Memorial Award | | |
24020006 | East Bay Striders Award | | |
24020007 | Edward A. Russo Award | | |
24020008 | Edward P. Travers Award | | |
24020009 | Football Scholarship Award | | |
24020010 | James E. McDonald Award | | |
24020011 | Jesse Turner Award | | |
24020012 | John L. Burke Award | | |
24020013 | Joseph A. and E. Virginia Cavallero Award | | |
24020014 | M. Donovan Award | | |
24020015 | Malafronte Award | | |
24020016 | Martha Hancock Award | | |
24020017 | Martin Biancuzzo Award | | |
24020018 | Molasky Family Award | | |
24020019 | Natalie Candelmo Award | | |
24020020 | Stanton Award | | |
24020021 | Ball O'Brien Scholarship Award | | |
24020022 | John Thomas Memorial Scholarship Award | | |
24020023 | Timberland Inc. | | |
24020024 | Henry Ruth Lewin Scholarship | | |
24020025 | Angela Dolan Memorial Scholarship Fund | | |
24020031 | Old County Road Elem Sch Scholarship | | |
24020032 | homas Leach Scholarship Fund | | |
24020033 | Christopher Reilly Scholarship Fund | | |
24020034 | Protium/Alternate Energy Scholarships | | |
24020035 | Jeanette Cram Scholarship | | |
24020036 | Beatrice Ward Scholarship | | |
24030000 | Local Revenue - Corporate Grants | | |
24030001 | Applebees - Donation for Football | | |
24030002 | Casit, Inc. - AP Italian Program | | |
24030003 | Central Falls Credit Union | | |
24030004 | DCYF | | |
24030005 | Fidelity | | |
24030006 | Neighborhood Health | | |
24030007 | Office Max | | |
24030008 | Pfizer Grant | | |
24030009 | Target | | |
24030010 | Walmart | | |
24030011 | Aquidneck Management | | |
24030012 | Newport Hospital | | |
24030013 | Nickelodeon | | |
24030014 | Learning Center | | |
24030015 | Citicorp | | |
24030016 | Kellogg's | | |
24030017 | American Dental Association | | |
24030018 | Education Development Center, Inc. | | |
24030019 | Center for Reform of School Systems, Inc. | | |
24030020 | Play It Smart, Inc. | | |
24030021 | CVS Caremark Charitable Trust | | |
24030022 | Dorothy Rich Associates Megaskills Site Award | | |
24030023 | Kids Consortium (Maine) | | |
24030024 | Coldwater Creek | | |
24030025 | RI Interlock Risk Management Trust | | |
24030026 | Comprehensive Community Action Program, Inc. - Award #1 | | |
24030027 | Comprehensive Community Action Program, Inc. - Award #2 | | |
24030028 | United Health Plan of RI | | |
24030029 | RWU Fund for Civic Activities | | |
24030030 | Rhode Island Mayoral Academies (SM) | | |
24030031 | Community College of RI | | |
24030032 | Five College, Inc. | | |
24030033 | Hidden Valley Ranch | | |
24030034 | Johnson & Johnson | | |
24030035 | Delta Dental of Rhode Island | | |
24030036 | The Felicia Fund, Inc. | | |
24030037 | Coastline | | |
24030038 | Washington Trust | | |
24030039 | School Max | | |
24030040 | Bank of America | | |
24030041 | Goldenrod Research Corp. | | |
24030042 | Pepsi Co. | | |
24030043 | Rti International | | |
24030044 | Tufts Health Plan | | |
24030045 | Exxon Mobil Educational Alliance Program | | |
24030046 | Youth Service America | | |
24030047 | Kohl's | | |
24030048 | Shaw's | | |
24030049 | Stop & Shop | | |
24030050 | Verizon | | |
24030051 | Wisconsin Center for Education Research | | |
24030052 | Charles Schwab | | |
24040001 | Ashaway Fitness Program | | |
24040002 | Childrens Crusade | | |
24040003 | City/Town - Substance Abuse Task Force | | |
24040004 | Civic Connections | | |
24040005 | Donations and Gifts | | |
24040006 | Friends of Hockey | | |
24040007 | Graduation by Proficiency | | |
24040008 | Nature Trails | | |
24040009 | Parents as Teachers | | |
24040010 | RI Center for the Arts | | |
24040011 | RI College Sherlock Center - Improvement | | |
24040012 | RI Greyhound Vision Grant | | |
24040013 | RI Historical Society | | |
24040014 | Smile Program URI | | |
24040015 | URI Holme Initiative | | |
24040016 | Diploma Plus #1 | | |
24040017 | Marine Education Building | | |
24040018 | Lippitt Playground | | |
24040019 | Defibrilator Donors | | |
24040020 | AFJROTC | | |
24040021 | EDS Technology | | |
24040022 | RIF Felts - Even Start | | |
24040023 | RIF - Citizens (Reading is Fundamental) | | |
24040024 | Cedar Hill Computer Equipment | | |
24040025 | Media Lab at Rhodes | | |
24040026 | Sherman After School | | |
24040027 | Gorton After School | | |
24040028 | Council on the Arts - Arts Senior High | | |
24040029 | RIPIN (Rhode Island Parent Information Network) | | |
24040030 | Reading Excellence - Oak | | |
24040031 | Scholarship America | | |
24040032 | Rhode Island School Improvement | | |
24040033 | Education Exchange | | |
24040034 | Circle of Parents | | |
24040035 | Girls Lacrosse | | |
24040036 | National Geographic | | |
24040037 | RITY | | |
24040038 | Rhode Island School to Career | | |
24040039 | AARP | | |
24040040 | Dan Malo Greenhouse | | |
24040041 | RI Interscholastic League | | |
24040042 | Rhode Island Parent Support Network | | |
24040043 | Preserve RI | | |
24040044 | Social Skills for Life Transition | | |
24040045 | RI Art Educators Association | | |
24040046 | HELP - After School Literacy Clinic | | |
24040047 | Providence Safe and Smart | | |
24040048 | Stepping into the Future | | |
24040049 | Computer Grant - Reservoir Avenue Elementary School | | |
24040050 | Diploma Plus #2 | | |
24040051 | Diploma Plus #3 | | |
24040052 | American Council on Education | | |
24040053 | SAFE (Scuituate Advocates for Everyone) | | |
24040054 | Art Festival Grant | | |
24040055 | Gentian-Future Farmers of America | | |
24040056 | RIPIN Award #2 | | |
24040057 | City Grant - Alternative Learning Program | | |
24040058 | Concord Consortium | | |
24040059 | New England Dairy & Food Council | | |
24040060 | RC LaPerch PTA Donation | | |
24040061 | Lifetouch | | |
24040062 | Museum for Work & Culture | | |
24040063 | Kids in the Canyon | | |
24040064 | Family Emergency Funds | | |
24040065 | RI Jumpstart Coalition | | |
24040066 | Joseph H. Allard Grant | | |
24040067 | Cranston Community Development | | |
24040068 | USTA NE Tennis Grant | | |
24040069 | Joan Montaquila Grant - Classroom Libraries | | |
24040070 | EAST CONN Grant | | |
24040071 | Carter Family Grant - #1 | | |
24040072 | Carter Family Grant - #2 | | |
24040073 | Carter Family Grant - #3 | | |
24040074 | Library Donors | | |
24040075 | Nagtegall Donation | | |
24040076 | The Providence Journal | | |
24040077 | RI Association for Health Physical Education and Recreation | | |
24040078 | Cedar Hill School | | |
24040079 | PTO Donations | | |
24040080 | Coalition of Essentials Schools - #1 | | |
24040081 | Coalition of Essentials Schools - #2 | | |
24040082 | Bryant University | | |
24040083 | Save The Bay | | |
24040084 | Brown University | | |
24040085 | Brad Faxon | | |
24040086 | Providence Rotary | | |
24040087 | Providence Shelter | | |
24040088 | Phi Delta Kappa | | |
24040089 | Newport Housing Authority | | |
24040090 | Ciy of Warwick After School Prevention Program | | |
24040091 | Unassigned. Contact RIDE for Validation. | | |
24040092 | Unassigned. Contact RIDE for Validation. | | |
24040093 | Unassigned. Contact RIDE for Validation. | | |
24040094 | Unassigned. Contact RIDE for Validation. | | |
24040095 | C.AS.I.T. (Centro Attivita Scholastiche Italiane) | | |
24040096 | RI After School Alliance | | |
24040097 | Providence Performing Arts Center | | |
24040098 | Unassigned. Contact RIDE for Validation. | | |
24040099 | Intel and Society for Science nd the Public | | |
24040100 | Pawtucket Rotary Club | | |
24040101 | Workforce Partnership of Greater RI (WIA) | | |
24040102 | Middletown Education Collaborative | | |
24040103 | League of Women Voters | | |
24040104 | Ocean State Charities Trust | | |
24040105 | Visiting Nurse Services (VNS) | | |
24040106 | RI Mentoring Partnership | | |
24040107 | RI Positive Educational Partnership | | |
24040108 | Riverzedge Grant | | |
24040118 | R.F. Harris Donation | | |
24050001 | Athletic Event Gate Fees - Restricted For Athletic Awards | | |
24050002 | Building Use Fees | | |
24050003 | Colt Fund | | |
24050004 | Community Services | | |
24050005 | Transportation Fundraising | | |
24050006 | Specia Project Fund | | |
24050007 | Francis Cuomo Fund | | |
24050008 | Guiteras Field Fund | | |
24050009 | Unassigned. Contact RIDE for Validation. | | |
24050010 | Health Pool - Surplus Distribution | | |
24050011 | Holiday Wrapping Paper Proceeds - Restricted For Technology | | |
24050012 | Vocational Dining Room | | |
24050013 | SCALE Grant - University of Wisconsin | | |
24050014 | NASA Grant | | |
24050015 | Providence After School Alliance | | |
24050016 | City/Town Middle School Sports | | |
24050017 | Safe Sitter Program | | |
24050018 | NASA Explorer Program | | |
24050019 | NASA Robotics and Web Design Program | | |
24050020 | History Investigators & NASA Explorer School Robotics Program | | |
24050021 | Injury Fund - Athletics | | |
24050022 | Athletic Event Gate Revenue | | |
24050023 | Northwest Regional Special Education | | |
24050024 | JOBS | | |
24050025 | Special Olympics | | |
24050026 | Library Fund | | |
24050027 | Providence After School Alliance - Award 2 | | |
24050028 | Providence After School Alliance - Award 3 | | |
24050029 | Providence After School Alliance - Award 4 | | |
24050030 | Energy Program | | |
24050031 | MKA Book Funds | | |
24050032 | Garden Project Funds | | |
24050033 | Providence After School Alliance - Award 5 | | |
24050034 | Uniform Fund | | |
24050035 | Cell Tower Revenue | | |
24050036 | Instrl Mtls & Equip Fundraising | | |
24050037 | Alumni Grant | | |
25000000 | Indirect Cost Fund | | |
30000001 | Capital Reserve - Fire Safety Code | | |
30000002 | Capital Reserve - School Improvements | | |
30000003 | Capital Reserve - Vehicle Replacement | | |
30000004 | Capital Reserve - Computer Technology | | |
30000005 | Capital Reserve - Land | | |
30000006 | Capital Reserve - Expansion | | |
30230000 | Math Foundations | | |
31010000 | Vocational School Improvement | | |
31020000 | School Housing Aid - Capital Projects | | |
31030000 | Member Towns Contributions - Capital Projects | | |
32000001 | Other Capital Projects #1 | | |
32000002 | Other Capital Projects #2 | | |
32000003 | Other Capital Projects - Not Financed and Housing Aid Ineligible | | |
40010000 | Debt Service | | |
40020000 | Debt Service BAN | | |
40030000 | Interest on Investment of BAN | | |
40040000 | Member Towns Contributions - Debt Service | | |
50001001 | D. Standford Endowment Fund | | |
50001200 | Rachel Harris Endowment Fund | | |
60000000 | Enterprise Funds | | |
60010000 | School Food Service Funds | | |
60020000 | Adult Continuing Education | | |
60030000 | After-School Programs | | |
60040000 | Athletic Gate Receipts | | |
60050000 | GED Testing Center Fees | | |
60060000 | Summer School Program - Remedial | | |
60060001 | Summer School Program - Enrichment | | |
60070000 | Before and After School Day Care Program | | |
60080000 | Band Camp | | |
60090000 | Signage Fund | | |
60100000 | Adult Vocational Training - Program Income | | |
60110000 | District Calendar | | |
60120000 | Commercial Foods Activities - Vocational Center - Culinary Arts Program | | |
60130000 | Sports Camp | | |
60140000 | Athletic Activities | | |
60150000 | Technology | | |
60160000 | School Play | | |
60170000 | Pre-School Program | | |
60180000 | Training Services (services provided to other districts) | | |
60190000 | Enrichment Program - Year Round | | |
60200000 | Curtis Care Program | | |
60210000 | Camp Bournedale Program | | |
60220000 | Field House Fund | | |
60230000 | Math Foundations | | |
60240000 | Kidventure CCLC | | |
60250000 | Space Science Planetarium | | |
60260000 | Fee for Service Program | | |
70000001 | Pooling Account | | |
80010000 | Cruise Trust | | |
80020000 | Pray Trust | | |
80030000 | Lindsay Trust | | |
80040000 | Classified Pension Fund - USI Securities | | |
80050000 | S. Belle Hendrick Library Trust Fund | | |
80060000 | George E. Gardiner Trust Fund | | |
80070000 | Daniel B. Updike Trust Fund | | |
80080000 | Tennis Plaque Trust Fund | | |
80090000 | Lynette Olsen Memorial Trust | | |
80100000 | GASB 45 - OPED Trust Fund | | |
90000001 | Activity Fund - A | | |
90000002 | Activity Fund - B | | |
90000003 | Activity Fund - C | | |
90000004 | Activity Fund - D | | |
90000005 | Activity Fund - E | | |
90000006 | Activity Fund - F | | |
90000007 | Activity Fund - G | | |
90000008 | Activity Fund - H | | |
90000009 | Activity Fund - I | | |
90000010 | Activity Fund - J | | |
90000011 | Activity Fund - K | | |
90000012 | Activity Fund - L | | |
90000013 | Activity Fund - M | | |
90000014 | Activity Fund - N | | |
90000015 | Activity Fund - O | | |
90000016 | Activity Fund - P | | |
90000017 | Activity Fund - Q | | |
90000018 | Activity Fund - R | | |
90000019 | Activity Fund - S | | |
90000020 | Activity Fund - T | | |
90000021 | Activity Fund - U | | |
90000022 | Activity Fund - V | | |
90000023 | Activity Fund - W | | |
90000024 | Activity Fund - X | | |
90000025 | Activity Fund - Y | | |
90000026 | Activity Fund - Z | | |
90000027 | Activty Account | | |
90000028 | Activty Account | | |
90010020 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010021 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010022 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010023 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010024 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010025 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010027 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010028 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010029 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010030 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010031 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010032 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010033 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010034 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010035 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010036 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010037 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010038 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010039 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010040 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010041 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010042 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010043 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010044 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010045 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010046 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010047 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010048 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010049 | Student Activity Fund | | |
90010050 | Student Activity Fund | | |