State Assigned School Code (Fall) | | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | SCHCODE |
State Assigned School Code (Fall) | | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | SCHCODE |
Writing Prompt Annotation 1 | ANN1 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WPANNOTATION |
Writing Prompt Annotation 1 | ANN1 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WPANNOTATION |
Writing Prompt Annotation 2 | ANN2 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WPANNOTATION |
Writing Prompt Annotation 2 | ANN2 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WPANNOTATION |
Writing Prompt Annotation 3 | ANN3 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WPANNOTATION |
Writing Prompt Annotation 3 | ANN3 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WPANNOTATION |
Writing Prompt Annotation 4 | ANN4 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WPANNOTATION |
Writing Prompt Annotation 4 | ANN4 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WPANNOTATION |
Writing Prompt Annotation 5 | ANN5 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WPANNOTATION |
Writing Prompt Annotation 5 | ANN5 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WPANNOTATION |
Birth Date: Day (01-31) | BDAY | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | BIRTHDAY |
Birth Date: Day (01-31) | BDAY | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | BIRTHDAY |
Birth Date: Month (01-12) | BMONTH | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | BIRTHMONTH |
Birth Date: Month (01-12) | BMONTH | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | BIRTHMONTH |
Birth Date: Year (1900-1999) | BYEAR | TEXT | 4 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | BIRTHYEAR |
Birth Date: Year (1900-1999) | BYEAR | TEXT | 4 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | BIRTHYEAR |
District code for Fall 1011 School | DISCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | DISTCODE |
District code for Fall 1011 School | DISCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | DISTCODE |
Data, Statistics, & Probability | DP | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | DATASTATSPROB |
Data, Statistics, & Probability | DP | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | DATASTATSPROB |
Extended Responses | ER | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | EXTENDEDRESPONSE |
Primary Race / Ethnicity | ETHNIC | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | RACE |
Primary Race / Ethnicity | ETHNIC | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | RACE |
Functions & Algebra | FA | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | FUNCTIONSALGEBRA |
Functions & Algebra | FA | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | FUNCTIONSALGEBRA |
Student First Name | FNAME | TEXT | 11 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | FIRSTNAME |
Student First Name | FNAME | TEXT | 11 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | FIRSTNAME |
Gender | GENDER | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | SEX |
Student Gender | GENDER | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | SEX |
Geometry & Measurement | GM | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | GEOMEASURE |
Geometry & Measurement | GM | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | GEOMEASURE |
Student Grade or Setting | GRADE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | GRADE |
Student Grade or Setting | GRADE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | GRADE |
Analysis & Interpretation | LA | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | ANALYSISINTERPRETATION |
Analysis & Interpretation | LA | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | ANALYSISINTERPRETATION |
A student who is enrolled in ELL program (LEP) or monitored | LEP | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | LEP |
A student who is enrolled in ELL program (LEP) or monitored | LEP | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | LEP |
Initial Understanding | LI | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | INITIALUNDERSTAND |
Initial Understanding | LI | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | INITIALUNDERSTAND |
Person's Last Name | LNAME | TEXT | 20 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | LASTNAME |
Person's Last Name | LNAME | TEXT | 20 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | LASTNAME |
Used the M3 accomodation for Math | MATACCOMM3 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATACCOMM |
Used the M3 accomodation for Math | MATACCOMM3 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATACCOMM |
Used a Nimble accomodation in Math | MATACCOMN | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATACCOMN |
Used an accomodation in the O group for Math | MATACCOMO | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATACCOMO |
Used an accomodation in the O group for Math | MATACCOMO | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATACCOMO |
Used an accomodation in the P group for Math | MATACCOMP | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATACCOMP |
Used an accomodation in the P group for Math | MATACCOMP | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATACCOMP |
Used an accomodation in the R group for Math | MATACCOMR | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATACCOMR |
Used an accomodation in the R group for Math | MATACCOMR | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATACCOMR |
Used an accomodation in the S group for Math | MATACCOMS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATACCOMS |
Used an accomodation in the S group for Math | MATACCOMS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATACCOMS |
Used an accomodation in the T group for Math | MATACCOMT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATACCOMT |
Used an accomodation in the T group for Math | MATACCOMT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATACCOMT |
Math Roster Achievement Level | MATAL | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATAL |
Math Roster Achievement Level | MATAL | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATAL |
Math Invalidate Session 1 | MATINVSES1 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATINVSES |
Math Invalidate Session 1 | MATINVSES1 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATINVSES |
Math Invalidate Non-Calc Session 1 | MATINVSES1NC | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATINVSESNC |
Math Invalidate Non-Calc Session 1 | MATINVSES1NC | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATINVSESNC |
Math Invalidate Session 2 | MATINVSES2 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATINVSES |
Math Invalidate Session 2 | MATINVSES2 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATINVSES |
Math Invalidate Session 3 | MATINVSES3 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATINVSES |
Math Released Item Response 01 | MATITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 01 | MATITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 02 | MATITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 02 | MATITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 03 | MATITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 03 | MATITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 04 | MATITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 04 | MATITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 05 | MATITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 05 | MATITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 06 | MATITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 06 | MATITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 07 | MATITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 07 | MATITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 08 | MATITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 08 | MATITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 09 | MATITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 09 | MATITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 10 | MATITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 10 | MATITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 11 | MATITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 11 | MATITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 12 | MATITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 12 | MATITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 13 | MATITEM13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 13 | MATITEM13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 14 | MATITEM14 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 14 | MATITEM14 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 15 | MATITEM15 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 15 | MATITEM15 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 16 | MATITEM16 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 16 | MATITEM16 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 17 | MATITEM17 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 18 | MATITEM18 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 19 | MATITEM19 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 20 | MATITEM20 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 21 | MATITEM21 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 22 | MATITEM22 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Released Item Response 23 | MATITEM23 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATITEM |
Math Total Points Earned | MATRAWSCORE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRAWSCORE |
Math Total Points Earned | MATRAWSCORE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRAWSCORE |
Math Released Item 01 | MATRELITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 01 | MATRELITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 02 | MATRELITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 02 | MATRELITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 03 | MATRELITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 03 | MATRELITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 04 | MATRELITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 04 | MATRELITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 05 | MATRELITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 05 | MATRELITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 06 | MATRELITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 06 | MATRELITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 07 | MATRELITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 07 | MATRELITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 08 | MATRELITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 08 | MATRELITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 09 | MATRELITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 09 | MATRELITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 10 | MATRELITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 10 | MATRELITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 11 | MATRELITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 11 | MATRELITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 12 | MATRELITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 12 | MATRELITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 13 | MATRELITEM13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 13 | MATRELITEM13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 14 | MATRELITEM14 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 14 | MATRELITEM14 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 15 | MATRELITEM15 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 15 | MATRELITEM15 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 16 | MATRELITEM16 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 16 | MATRELITEM16 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 17 | MATRELITEM17 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 18 | MATRELITEM18 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 19 | MATRELITEM19 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 20 | MATRELITEM20 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 21 | MATRELITEM21 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 22 | MATRELITEM22 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Math Released Item 23 | MATRELITEM23 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATRELITEM |
Used a Math standard accomodation | MATSTDACCOM | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MATSTDACCOM |
Used a Math standard accomodation | MATSTDACCOM | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MATSTDACCOM |
Multiple Choice | MC | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MULTIPLECHOICE |
Student Name: MI | MI | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MIDDLEINITIAL |
Student Name: MI | MI | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MIDDLEINITIAL |
Migrant | MIGRANT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | MIGRANT |
Migrant | MIGRANT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | MIGRANT |
Number & Operations | NO | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | NUMBEROPERATIONS |
Number & Operations | NO | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | NUMBEROPERATIONS |
Optional Reports A | OPTRPTA | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports A | OPTRPTA | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports B | OPTRPTB | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports B | OPTRPTB | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports C | OPTRPTC | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports C | OPTRPTC | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports D | OPTRPTD | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports D | OPTRPTD | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports E | OPTRPTE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports E | OPTRPTE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports F | OPTRPTF | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | OPTRPT |
Optional Reports F | OPTRPTF | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | OPTRPT |
504 Plan | PLAN504 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | PLAN504 |
504 Plan | PLAN504 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | PLAN504 |
Used the M2 accomodation for Reading | REAACCOMM2 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAACCOMM |
Used the M2 accomodation for Reading | REAACCOMM2 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAACCOMM |
Used the M3 accomodation for Reading | REAACCOMM3 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAACCOMM |
Used the M3 accomodation for Reading | REAACCOMM3 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAACCOMM |
Used a Nimble accommodation for Reading | REAACCOMN | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAACCOMN |
Used an accomodation in the O group for Reading | REAACCOMO | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAACCOMO |
Used an accomodation in the O group for Reading | REAACCOMO | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAACCOMO |
Used an accomodation in the P group for Reading | REAACCOMP | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAACCOMP |
Used an accomodation in the P group for Reading | REAACCOMP | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAACCOMP |
Used an accomodation in the R group for Reading | REAACCOMR | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAACCOMR |
Used an accomodation in the R group for Reading | REAACCOMR | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAACCOMR |
Used an accomodation in the S group for Reading | REAACCOMS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAACCOMS |
Used an accomodation in the S group for Reading | REAACCOMS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAACCOMS |
Used an accomodation in the T group for Reading | REAACCOMT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAACCOMT |
Used an accomodation in the T group for Reading | REAACCOMT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAACCOMT |
Reading Roster Achievement Level | REAAL | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAAL |
Reading Roster Achievement Level | REAAL | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAAL |
Reading Invalidate Session 1 | REAINVSES1 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAINVSES |
Reading Invalidate Session 1 | REAINVSES1 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAINVSES |
Reading Invalidate Session 2 | REAINVSES2 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAINVSES |
Reading Invalidate Session 2 | REAINVSES2 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAINVSES |
Reading Invalidate Session 3 | REAINVSES3 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAINVSES |
Reading Released Item Response 01 | REAITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 01 | REAITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 02 | REAITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 02 | REAITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 03 | REAITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 03 | REAITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 04 | REAITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 04 | REAITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 05 | REAITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 05 | REAITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 06 | REAITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 06 | REAITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 07 | REAITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 07 | REAITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 08 | REAITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 08 | REAITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 09 | REAITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 09 | REAITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 10 | REAITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 10 | REAITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 11 | REAITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 11 | REAITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 12 | REAITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 12 | REAITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 13 | REAITEM13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 14 | REAITEM14 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 15 | REAITEM15 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 16 | REAITEM16 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Released Item Response 17 | REAITEM17 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REAITEM |
Reading Total Points Earned | REARAWSCORE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARAWSCORE |
Reading Total Points Earned | REARAWSCORE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARAWSCORE |
Reading Released Item 01 | REARELITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 01 | REARELITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 02 | REARELITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 02 | REARELITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 03 | REARELITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 03 | REARELITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 04 | REARELITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 04 | REARELITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 05 | REARELITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 05 | REARELITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 06 | REARELITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 06 | REARELITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 07 | REARELITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 07 | REARELITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 08 | REARELITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 08 | REARELITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 09 | REARELITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 09 | REARELITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 10 | REARELITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 10 | REARELITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 11 | REARELITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 11 | REARELITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 12 | REARELITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 12 | REARELITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 13 | REARELITEM13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 14 | REARELITEM14 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 15 | REARELITEM15 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 16 | REARELITEM16 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Released Item 17 | REARELITEM17 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REARELITEM |
Reading Scaled Score | REASCALEDSCORE | TEXT | 4 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REASCALEDSCORE |
Used a Reading standard accomodation | REASTDACCOM | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REASTDACCOM |
Used a Reading standard accomodation | REASTDACCOM | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | REASTDACCOM |
Reading Test Status | REATESTSTATUS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | REATESTSTATUS |
State Assigned Student ID: Reporting | RPTSTUDID | TEXT | 10 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | SASID |
State Assigned Student ID: Reporting | RPTSTUDID | TEXT | 10 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | RPTSTUDID |
Sending Fall 1011 District Code - Out of District/Placement students only | SENDDISCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | DISTCODE |
Sending Fall 0910 District Code - Out of District/Placement students only | SENDDISCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | DISTCOMM |
SES | SES | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | SES |
SES | SES | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | SES |
Continuously enrolled in Spring 0910 District | SPRCONTDIS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | SPRCONTDIS |
Continuously enrolled in Spring 0910 District | SPRCONTDIS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | SPRCONTDIS |
Continuously enrolled in Spring 0910 School | SPRCONTSCH | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | SPRCONTSCH |
Continuously enrolled in Spring 0910 School | SPRCONTSCH | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | SPRCONTSCH |
District code for Spring 0910 School | SPRDISCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | SPRDISCODE |
District code for Spring 0809 School | SPRDISCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | DISTCODE |
State Assigned School Code (Spring) | SPRSCHCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | SCHCODE |
School code for Spring 0910 School | SPRSCHCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | SPRSCHCODE |
Sending District Code for Spring 0809- Out of District/Placement students only | SPRSENDDISCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | SPRSENDDISCODE |
Sending District Code for Spring 0809- Out of District/Placement students only | SPRSENDDISCODE | TEXT | 5 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | DISTCOMM |
Short Responses | SR | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | SHORTRESPONSE |
Testing State | STATE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STATECODE |
Testing State | STATE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STATECODE |
Student Grade or Setting | STUGRADE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | GRADE |
Student Grade or Setting | STUGRADE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | GRADE |
Student Questionnaire 1 | STUQI01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 1 | STUQI01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 2 | STUQI02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 2 | STUQI02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 3 | STUQI03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 3 | STUQI03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 4 | STUQI04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 4 | STUQI04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 5 | STUQI05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 5 | STUQI05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 6 | STUQI06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 6 | STUQI06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 7 | STUQI07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 7 | STUQI07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 8 | STUQI08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 8 | STUQI08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 9 | STUQI09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 9 | STUQI09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 10 | STUQI10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 10 | STUQI10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 11 | STUQI11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 11 | STUQI11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 12 | STUQI12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 12 | STUQI12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 13 | STUQI13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 13 | STUQI13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 14 | STUQI14 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 14 | STUQI14 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 15 | STUQI15 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 15 | STUQI15 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 16 | STUQI16 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 16 | STUQI16 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 17 | STUQI17 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 17 | STUQI17 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 18 | STUQI18 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 18 | STUQI18 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 19 | STUQI19 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 19 | STUQI19 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 20 | STUQI20 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 20 | STUQI20 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 21 | STUQI21 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 21 | STUQI21 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 22 | STUQI22 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 22 | STUQI22 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 23 | STUQI23 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 23 | STUQI23 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 24 | STUQI24 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 24 | STUQI24 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 25 | STUQI25 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 25 | STUQI25 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 26 | STUQI26 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 26 | STUQI26 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 27 | STUQI27 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 27 | STUQI27 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 28 | STUQI28 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 28 | STUQI28 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 29 | STUQI29 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 29 | STUQI29 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 30 | STUQI30 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 30 | STUQI30 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 31 | STUQI31 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 31 | STUQI31 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 32 | STUQI32 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 32 | STUQI32 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 33 | STUQI33 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 33 | STUQI33 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 34 | STUQI34 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 34 | STUQI34 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 35 | STUQI35 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Questionnaire 36 | STUQI36 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUQUESTIONAIRE |
Student Reporting Status | STUSTATUS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | STUSTATUS |
Student Reporting Status | STUSTATUS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | STUSTATUS |
Informational | TI | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | INFORMATIONAL |
Informational | TI | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | INFORMATIONAL |
Title I: Math | TITLE1MAT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | TITLE1MAT |
Title I: Math | TITLE1MAT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | TITLE1MAT |
Title I: Reading and Writing | TITLE1REA | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | TITLE1REA |
Title I: Reading and Writing | TITLE1REA | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | TITLE1REA |
Literary | TL | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | LITERARY |
Literary | TL | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | LITERARY |
Used the M3 accomodation for Writing | WRIACCOMM3 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIACCOMM3 |
Used the M3 accomodation for Writing | WRIACCOMM3 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIACCOMM3 |
Used an accomodation in the O group for Writing | WRIACCOMO | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIACCOMO |
Used an accomodation in the O group for Writing | WRIACCOMO | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIACCOMO |
Used an accomodation in the P group for Writing | WRIACCOMP | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIACCOMP |
Used an accomodation in the P group for Writing | WRIACCOMP | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIACCOMP |
Used an accomodation in the R group for Writing | WRIACCOMR | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIACCOMR |
Used an accomodation in the R group for Writing | WRIACCOMR | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIACCOMR |
Used an accomodation in the S group for Writing | WRIACCOMS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIACCOMS |
Used an accomodation in the S group for Writing | WRIACCOMS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIACCOMS |
Used an accomodation in the T group for Writing | WRIACCOMT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIACCOMT |
Used an accomodation in the T group for Writing | WRIACCOMT | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIACCOMT |
Writing Roster Achievement Level | WRIAL | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIAL |
Writing Roster Achievement Level | WRIAL | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIAL |
Writing Invalidate Session 1 | WRIINVSES1 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIINVSES |
Writing Invalidate Session 1 | WRIINVSES1 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIINVSES |
Writing Invalidate Session 2 | WRIINVSES2 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIINVSES |
Writing Released Item Response 01 | WRIITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 01 | WRIITEM01 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIITEM01 |
Writing Released Item Response 02 | WRIITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 03 | WRIITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 04 | WRIITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 05 | WRIITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 06 | WRIITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 07 | WRIITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 08 | WRIITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 09 | WRIITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 10 | WRIITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 11 | WRIITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 12 | WRIITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 13 | WRIITEM13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Released Item Response 14 | WRIITEM14 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIITEM |
Writing Total Points Earned | WRIRAWSCORE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRAWSCORE |
Writing Total Points Earned | WRIRAWSCORE | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRIRAWSCORE |
Writing Released Item 01 | WRIRELITEM01 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 02 | WRIRELITEM02 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 03 | WRIRELITEM03 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 04 | WRIRELITEM04 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 05 | WRIRELITEM05 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 06 | WRIRELITEM06 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 07 | WRIRELITEM07 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 08 | WRIRELITEM08 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 09 | WRIRELITEM09 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 10 | WRIRELITEM10 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 11 | WRIRELITEM11 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 12 | WRIRELITEM12 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 13 | WRIRELITEM13 | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Released Item 14 | WRIRELITEM14 | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRIRELITEM |
Writing Scaled Score | WRISCALEDSCORE | TEXT | 4 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRISCALEDSCORE |
Used a Writing standard accomodation | WRISTDACCOM | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRISTDACCOM |
Used a Writing standard accomodation | WRISTDACCOM | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WRISTDACCOM |
Writing Test Status | WRITESTSTATUS | TEXT | 1 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WRITESTSTATUS |
Word ID/Vocabulary | WV | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G03-08 | WORDVOCABULARY |
Word ID/Vocabulary | WV | TEXT | 2 | | K12 STUDENT - NECAP G11 | WORDVOCABULARY |